A Psychic Medium goes to see Beetlejuice 2 and gives a review
Beetlejuice 2 is a fanciful and entertaining movie, that dives into an abstract reality referred to as the afterlife. Winona Ryder plays the quirky psychic medium character, Lydia Deetz. As entertaining as the movie was, Tim Burton’s version of the afterlife
is far from what I’ve seen. I am a genuine psychic medium and I can tell you, the spirit world I’ve been shown is nothing like the movie.
If you’ve ever spoken the words, Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice, in hopes of experiencing something paranormal, I’m sure you discovered it was fun to say, but it did not bring forth the creepy and the dead.
During a reading I provided to a grieving mother, I brought in her young son who had passed away. He had a life-threatening illness and knew he was going to pass from it. He told us, “I have super powers now”, this is when he showed me that he could jump twenty feet up in a tree and land on the tree branch. He then said, “I can run from branch to branch across the trees.” This is when his mother let me know that before he passed, he told her that he was going to become a squirrel so he could run from tree branch to tree branch through his friends’ backyards, so he could still see and play with them.
During another reading I provided a lady, her father came forward and let us know he was doing well. In fact, he now has his own petting farm in heaven, this is something his daughter said he had always wanted. He appeared wearing bib overalls, he was sitting down with children surrounding him as he was letting them pet the animals. It was a beautiful scene. Other people in spirit have shown me that they spend time fishing. Some enjoy traveling, in spirit form they can now visit places here on earth they never got to experience while they were alive.
For most who transition from this world into the spirit world, they can spend their time manifesting what they want their reality to be. Some people in spirit form spend a significant part of their time right here on earth with the rest of us. While most people are not able to see the dead, young children can often see them, so don’t discount what a child might share with you when they say they can see Grandpa sitting in the chair, he might just be here.
In the movies Beetlejuice and Beetlejuice 2, the dead can affect the living and interact with them. This is a factual depiction. Although your loved one might have transitioned back into the spirit world, they still want to be with the people they left behind. You might see a light anomaly in your photographs or videos you’ve taken. They will usually come for special events, holidays, or accompany you on a family vacation. They could manifest as an orb or streak of light through a photo. If you see one of these, don’t automatically discount it as a bug or dust.
One of the easiest things spirits can manipulate is lights. If your loved one is trying to get your attention, they might turn the lights on and off. They can also easily manipulate radio stations and televisions. This is because they are electrical devices and spirits are comprised of energy. They can draw energy from batteries and from electronics, and then use that energy to manipulate their surroundings.
When I connected to the elderly lady who had died in a plane crash, she shocked me when she told me it was ‘joyous’, I asked her why she said that. She let me know her husband was waiting for her when she arrived in heaven, and that everyone on the airplane transcended to heaven at the same time, prior to the airplane actually hitting the ground. Everyone’s families and friends were waiting for them. She went on to say, “It was like a big family reunion…it was joyous”. This is the photograph I took of her, to this day, it is one of the prettiest spirit forms I have ever captured.

One of the most amazing description of the afterlife is from Eben Alexander, an American neurosurgeon who did not believe in the afterlife until he was clinically brain dead and he passed from meningitis. His experience was not only amazing, but he fully recovered from the illness and was able to validate his experience.
You can see more evidence on my website — CrystalPeakMedium.com and on my social media platforms, handle @crystalpeakmedium. I also have a book titled — There is no DEATH: Evidence of the Spirit World — Spirits and Orbs, you can find it on Amazon, Barnes and Noble and other retailers.