Evidential Psychic Medium | Author | Public Speaker | Paranormal Photographer

You can have your own experience
with a professionally trained Medium.

Since I was a young girl, I experienced strong ‘deja vu’ moments…I have now learned that these moments were actually premonitions. There have also been numerous times over my lifetime when I knew about things that were going to happen before they did. Countless times, I knew about an injury or illness, even when the doctors told me I was wrong or said it was something different. With persistence and additional testing, the doctors discovered I was actually correct. 

My family physician told me once, “I don’t know how you do it, but when it comes to your health and the health of your family, you are never wrong”. Since I came into my abilities I now understand why this is the case.

In 1990 my father passed away. After his passing I had visions and dreams that involved him. I actually knew the moment he passed away. He came to me and told me that we weren’t going to be able to go fishing the next day. I’ve had other experiences with my deceased loved ones that seem SO real… I can still remember them clearly to this day. After the passing of my first daughter in 1992, I had what the Catholic Church acknowledges as ‘Spiritual Encounters’. Both of these occasions happened many years before I discovered I was a Psychic Medium. I now understand how I was able to have these experiences.

The older I got, the more frequent these unexplained events would occur. Over the years there would be times when psychic and mediumship moments would happen on a regular basis, yet there would also be months or years between significant ‘events’. I also learned when I was receiving a very strong emotion (bordering on a panic attack), it meant that something terrible was going to happen, and I learned that I must act on this information immediately. Whether this dealt with the passing of my daughter, a fire spreading into town, or something as simple as a cake baking in the oven and about to be done.

I have embraced my abilities and have dedicated myself to studying and practicing with my abilities as often as possible. I continue to participate in a variety of development groups which allow me to sharpen my skills with others that have similar gifts. I have successfully completed a number of certification programs with recognized Instructors in England and the USA. They include The Arthur Findlay CollegeMavis Pittilla Group, Tony Stockwell, and Martin Twycross’ programs. I have also completed several courses with Matt Fraser and from James Van Praagh which include his JVP Mediumship Certification Level I and JVP Mediumship Certification Level II Courses along with his Psychic and Intuitive Certification, and certified through Allison Dubios Dead University. I also have an Animal Communication Certification and have become Reiki I and Reiki II Certified.

In addition to the courses listed above, I have also taken Psychic Investigation Courses from Cindy Kaza and Advanced Forensic Mediumship from Lisa Williams. I was also accepted into Tony Stockwell’s Advanced Missing 2 Group, where we worked on several missing persons cases. To my surprise, these all seemed to be something I possess the ability to do, so occasionally I assist on active and cold cases with the police. I have also received a Certificate from the PESI Center of Excellence for Grief Treatment.

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I have agreed to be an instrument for my clients, connecting them with their loved ones who have passed into Spirit.

If you are interested in receiving a reading, please reach out and let me know.

In addition to the typical Psychic Mediumship abilities, I have also discovered I can make a connection with people that have been missing or involved in a homicide. The first time I tried to connect with someone that went missing was the morning I was watching a news report about a lady that went missing in Colorado. I felt so bad for her brother who was looking for her, and I decided to see if I could connect with her. Needless to say, I was startled when I did—so much so that I immediately disconnected, but went back several more times to gather information about how the events took place, who did it, and where she could be found. Since then, the information I provided to the CBI has proven to be accurate.

As an Evidential Medium (Evidential Mediumship is the practice of gathering and communicating information for the recipient of a reading to validate in order to help him or her identify the loved one in spirit who is coming through.) I have provided evidence about the situation surrounding missing persons, determined whether the person is still alive or has passed on, and also assisted in locating missing loved ones. I am passionate about this cause; I also have had a child pass away and feel the best thing I could do with my abilities is to help to bring their loved one back to their family.

I have worked on a series of cases with the New York Police Department. I was formally tested on my abilities and was selected to be part of the JS Intuitive Investigation Academy, where I have worked on several active and cold cases for various departments of law enforcement, including the FBI, CBI and DEA. I have also had several requests from private parties to assist in locating missing persons. I occasionally work with private investigators and other law enforcement organizations.

Spirit manifesting itself

Sometimes when I’m doing a reading for a client, a Spirit will surround me and it is visible on the camera. These images are just one example of what can happen. It can last throughout the duration of the reading, pulsing from light to dark. I can see it, and so can my client.

I have discovered the more I use my abilities, the stronger they become and more abilities start to unfold. One of the ways my abilities have grown is the addition of seeing Spirit Orbs around the people I am giving readings to via ZOOM. They also show up in my photos and videos…which isn’t always a good thing. 



Spot on, with love and compassion. That’s how Susanne, as medium, has put me in touch for some minutes with my beloved deceased biological mother and father. As evidences of their presence, she not only described them precisely but also gave me details of a place where they lived on Earth. And the message Susanne delivered to me by closing the session was very comforting because so typical of the way my parents expressed themselves. It was a beautiful mediumistic seance. And I definitely recommend Susanne Arens as medium.
My name is Tammy. I love Susanne. I recently enjoyed a very intense reading. The reading was very insightful. As we began, the memories flooded with grandeur. Susanne is impeccable. I would recommend her for anyone needing help with life. In my instance, I found complete peace. Please give it a try. You will be certainly blessed. The experience alone is eye opening and very clairvoyant. The precision was astonishing! I could go on an on. Have Faith & just do it. I appreciate your time and your gift. The way you worked with me, you went beyond and gave me what I needed!
Susanne Arens is a wonderfully gifted medium. She brought my grandpa who I requested! (That does not always work and there’s no guarantee as to who will show up from the spirit world though). She provided an abundance of evidence of the land and the city he lived in. It was touching to hear of the land we visited when my grandpa was physically on this planet. Succinctly and with compassion and eagerness, she shared details of my grandpa’s life as well. It felt as if we were there with him. I thank you Susanne for this lovely reading - will never forget! I highly recommend contacting Susanne Arens if you would like to connect with a loved one.
I usually know which family member comes thru for reading with or for me. Its usually my grandmother. Not today, today my Aunt Kahea came thru. How do I now it was her? Susanne described 4 very important details of my family history that only someone in the family or close to the family would know. We haven’t been able to bury her at sea yet. So my family that’s already crossed over is getting anxious for her arrival. These signs are validated by my visions I’ve been having of this event yet to take place. Mahalo piha -I truly thank you, Susanne for being able to connect to my Aunt, even tho she dipped out LOL that’s definitely her!
I just finished having a reading from Susanne where she was able to connect with my grandmother and my cat that I missed a lot. She was able to give me specific details she did not know about their personality and preferences when they were alive. It s a great confirmation for me and I feel more connected to them now. The reading gave me peace and joy and I was happy that she took her time to Make sure she was connected to the right souls. It was very special and I was happy afterwards. Susanne is an amazing person and I know as a medium that she really connected to the other side.
So I’m not sure where to begin!! First if all I just want to say Thank you with a full heart to Susanne Arens for her heartfelt reading . Her talent is amazing !!! She not only connected in spirit to my son with messages from him she connects with her heart! It was as though my sons emotions came through her and touched my emotion as if we were one. I was able to validate every message she brought to me and she goes one step more and teaches you about your loved one in spirit. I was able to know how he was , what he is doing and how he is with me after the reading was over ! I recommend a reading with Susanne, death is hard for those of us here on earth but she gives you all the love and joy that that feel for your loved one during the reading.
Just wanted to thank you for sharing your gift with me today. You brought a wonderful message from my grandfather not only for me but for our whole family. The details you gave left no doubt you were communicating with not only my grandfather but details of deceased children of my grandparents, that only we would know and i am sure even confusing for you but made sense to me!LolYou have a gift and i am thankful for you sharing it with me and connecting to my family on the otherside. I look forward to future readings and excited to see what the future holds for you. I think i will see your name become popular. Wishing you endless success, health and happiness. In love and light.
Alberta, Canada
Susanne’s connection with some of my passed loved ones was absolutely mind blowing. She connected in with them and passed on their messages and presented them so well and, was extremely on point without me saying anything to prompt her. I would highly recommend anyone wanting to receive messages from their loved ones to book a mediumship reading with Susanne. Thank you so much!
Point Clare, New South Wales
I had a great medium reading with Susanne this morning. She picked up on 2 men from my past, one of which was my husband and I know for sure crossed over. The other was an old boyfriend whom I have not seen in years but her descriptions of them physically and personality traits as well as their likes & occupations were spot on. I really appreciated her kindness and accuracy in delivering this message!
Whenever I get a reading I always call on the same spirits in hopes of hearing from one of them. This time I left out one of them because so much time had passed I thought I’d never hear from him. But Susanne brought him through right away and there was no doubt in my mind who it was. Her description of him from his stature, his hair, his clothes, and his profession blew me away. Then she described a special place we went together… a place no one else would know about from the reason we went there to the amazing view from the windshield!! She described his muscle car. She described his death… so many intricate details about it too. Another thing that got me was describing how he always had a toothpick in his mouth, She said cinnamon and that it burned the corner of his mouth, that’s when I said it was actually peppermint!! I hadn’t thought of that in years. She said his name was like Johnny, it was Donny. He looked like the brawny man (I always compared him to Tom Selick). He died young. I never thought he would come through let alone so clearly. She also brought through my beloved funny eared terrier Chloe. So many times I was blown away. I got teary. I got chills. I blushed. It was so much more than I ever expected. Thank you Susanne. I look forward to another reading soon!!!
New York
Just stopped by to brag a bit on an incredible reading I experienced with Susanne the other day. First I want to mention how kind and considerate she was, also very vibrant... Like a light beaming from her. Her energy was amazing such a radiant soul I enjoyed her so very much! She was completely in touch with my passed on loved ones. The hair texture, the attitude, the body shape, their energy, the way they talked and moved through life. I laughed and I cried, it was so warm and heartfelt for me to hear those things and them acknowledging certain memories and parts of our lives shared together. Also acknowledging my present day for example, my mother just gave me a memory book I made for her after the loss of my 13 year old cousin of photos & poems.... Also in there was a letter I wrote to my cousin after she passed in 2005 still sealed from very that day. Susanne brought to my attention that my aunt, my cousin’s mother (who is now also passed) was showing her flattening out of paper, a paper she specifically mentioned that was folded 3 times inside of an envelope. It clicked... The letter that was in the memory book that I hadn’t opened since I wrote it. Yesterday morning I got the book back out flipped through it slowly reminiscing taking in all the memories once more and came to the letter I opened the envelope and unfolded it... Folded 3 times as mentioned and it needed definite flattening out after 16 years of being sealed. My heart was overwhelmed with happiness and excitement, stomach full of butterflies. Overjoyed emotions just knowing she is still very much a part of my every day life. Both of them, mother & daughter together again. I can’t express enough gratitude for the time you took out for me Susanne, I will always be so grateful for our experience.